Masters of Surf Photography Vol 3: Warren Bolster

Warren Bolster a commencé la photographie de surf au début des années 70. En tant que rédacteur en chef de Skateboarder Magazine, il a fortement contribué à la démocratisation du skateboard. Par la suite, il s'est fait connaître en tant que photographe de surf à Hawaï. Ce livre de photographies offre de remarquables perpectives qui plongent le lecteur au plus près des vagues.

70,00 €


Warren Bolster began surf photography in early 1970s California, and is still active from his home base in Honolulu, Hawaii. From shooting the underground Newbreak crew at Sunset Cliffs in the early 70s, and covering the mid-70s skateboard revolution as editor of Skateboarder magazine, to his recent split-level images that examine dual realities by peering above and beneath the ocean surface simultaneously, to technically amazing speed-blurrs that via freeze motion deliver the sensation of the wave dance, to stomach fluttering aerial vistas of outer reef cloud breaks, and his camera board perspectives that look out from behind the surfer buried deep in the curl, Warren’s photography confronts the viewer with a dazzling array of intense visual portrayals of the surfing experience.

Ouvrage de photographies écrit en Anglais

Edition limitée

252 pages.

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